Welcome to our website!
On the instruction of our Lord and King Jesus Christ, we, Annemarie and Udo, have founded this website,
because God's Word should be accessible to all.
It is not and never was intended for the recipient alone, who receives it - as also given here - through the Inner Word.
We ask to note that not the receiver is of importance, but that all attention is to be directed alone on THE WORD, which is of divine origin.
GOD is not a religion, but THE TRUTH. And as workers in the vineyard of God, we belong to Him alone and not to any human organization.
This music video bases on Joshua, chapter 3
This video clip is based on the movie "Apocalypse of John - The Book of Revelations" (see below)
The meaning of life
Cognitions of the meaning of the cross
Please, dear brothers and sisters, pray for the children who are sexually abused. They suffer endless agony and are so much in need of our prayers! Remember - prayers must come from the heart! (James 5:16 b)
Celestial announcements, chronologically ordered from bottom to top
The Trumpet Call of God
About the churches of men
About holidays and traditions established by man
Spiritual Warfare
Worth knowing
The following two movies show true incidents about unconditional and selfless love.
The movie underneath is part 1 of 10. The next 9 movie parts you will find in YouTube under "St. Giusepe Moscati - Doctor of the Poor - English Subtitle"
This movie is highly recommended for your spiritual development
These movies show true incidents which bear witness to God's works, even in modern times. They also show the courage, strength and sacrifice of God's servants as well as the firm conviction of faith, the unshakable trust in God and the iron will to act according to God's will. They are a true lesson for all of us!
Spiritually inspiring films that strengthen faith!
Films that give an insight into the afterlife
As man is spiritually constituted, so he also sees the spiritual world... or as Paul said: “As the tree falls, so it remains!”
(Quotes of The Lord from "Jesus and Beelzebul" under Spiritual Warfare)